Children's Books
with feminist perspectives
Our newest children's book is on the way! Pamela Opossum, Myla Mink, and Marlo Muskrat love living in the Shady Forest. They have many adventures together, but this time Myla has found treasure! Pamela wants badly to join Myla in hunting the waters of the Stillwater River, but she doesn't know how to swim. Marlo's a pro and doesn't think she can do it. Will Pamela overcome her fear and join Myla's treasure hunt?
Our newest illustrator, K.D. Llew, is hard at work bringing the Shady Forest characters to life! We can't wait to share their world with you!

The Bellatrix Series
Written by Nikki De Mars
Illustrated by Sarah Solomon
Your children can follow Bellatrix on her biggest adventures all while learning to love and respect themselves as well as those around them. They will also learn new and interesting words that will help their vocabularies grow! Don't forget to download your free activity book with each purchase!!!

We’ve all felt the sting of injustice in our lives, and our kids are no different! Sometimes people (or institutions) seem out to get us, and it feels like no one will listen. Learn from Bellatrix's experience in this hilarious story that will have your kids cracking up but will also help them deal with the anger and helplessness they feel when confronted with unfairness.
Available Now!!!
Book 1
The second book in the Bellatrix Series is in the works! We're so excited to share another of Bellatrix's adventures and can't wait to post more sketches. Sarah Solomon has been busy at the drawing board! Updates to come!